What is HTTP Request Smuggling

What is HTTP Request Smuggling
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Table Of Content

  • Introduction to HTTP Request Smuggling
  • How HTTP Request Smuggling Works
  • Types of HTTP Request Smuggling Attacks
  • Detection and Prevention Techniques
  • Conclusion


HTTP Request Smuggling is a web application vulnerability that can be used by attackers to bypass security controls and perform unauthorized actions on a web server. The vulnerability exists due to inconsistencies in the way different HTTP parsers handle and interpret certain types of requests. These inconsistencies can lead to a variety of attacks, including cache poisoning, session hijacking, and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

How HTTP Request Smuggling Works

HRS typically involves sending a specially crafted HTTP request to a vulnerable web application. The request may contain multiple requests or other non-standard HTTP syntax that can confuse the web server's parsing logic. The attacker can then exploit the inconsistencies in the HTTP parser to manipulate the requests and bypass security controls.

One common technique used in HRS attacks are to send a request that appears to be complete to the front-end server, but the back-end server treats it as a partial request. This allows the attacker to append additional requests or manipulate the original request to bypass security controls.

Types of HTTP Request Smuggling Attacks

There are various types of HRS attacks, including:

  • Content-Length Smuggling: The attacker sends a request that includes a content-length header, which is smaller than the actual size of the request. This can cause the front-end server to treat the request as complete, while the back-end server may see it as a partial request.

  • Chunked Encoding Smuggling: The attacker sends a request that uses the "chunked" transfer encoding, which can be used to send multiple requests within a single HTTP request. The attacker can manipulate the requests to bypass security controls and perform unauthorized actions.

  • HTTP Verb Tampering: The attacker modifies the HTTP verb used in the request, such as changing a POST request to a GET request. This can bypass security controls that only allow certain types of requests.

Detection and Prevention Techniques

Detecting and preventing HRS attacks can be challenging, as the attacks can be difficult to detect and often require specialized knowledge and tools. Some techniques that can be used to prevent HRS attacks include:

  • Input Validation: Ensure that all inputs to the web application are validated and sanitized to prevent injection attacks.

  • Security Headers: Implement security headers such as Content-Security-Policy (CSP) and Strict-Transport-Security (STS) to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

  • Patching: Keep web application software up to date with the latest patches and security updates to prevent known vulnerabilities.


HTTP Request Smuggling is a serious web application vulnerability that can allow attackers to bypass security controls and perform unauthorized actions on a web server. It is important for organizations to be aware of this vulnerability and take steps to prevent HRS attacks. This includes implementing proper security controls, performing regular vulnerability scans and penetration tests, and keeping software up to date with the latest patches and security updates. Looking to secure your web applications from HTTP Request Smuggling attacks? Trust CyberNX, your reliable cybersecurity partner! Our team of experts can help you identify vulnerabilities in your web applications and implement effective security measures to protect against HTTP Request Smuggling and other types of attacks. Contact us today to learn more about our services and secure your online presence.

Author - Rutuja


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