ISO 27001 Consulting

ISO 27001 Consulting

CyberNX helps organizations to implement ISO 27001 security standard framework and assists them to get certified. The program is aimed at a practical implementation of standards and practices, rather than focusing on merely developing policies and processes.

Important Aspects of our Approach to ISO 27001 Standard Implementation.

  • Policies and processes: Develop, review & finalize policies and processes required to implement an ISMS practice in the organization. The policy kit will be in line with the group's information security and risk management framework.
  • Regulatory Compliance Mapping: Help the organization to achieve compliance with RBI Master Direction for IT - NBFC; or SEBI Guidelines and maintain records as per the compliance requirements.
  • Conduct risk assessment: Conduct a risk assessment as per the finalized policies and processes for the in-scope functions. Discuss the risk with relevant teams and create a risk mitigation plan.
  • Governance Meets: Conduct quarterly governance meetings as per the information security governance structure such as Information Security Steering Committee meetings or Board Meetings on Information Security.
  • ISMS Internal Audit: Conduct an internal audit against set policies and processes for in-scope functions, prepare the organization for facing an external ISMS audit certification
  • Trainings : Conduct user awareness training at the main locations and ensure that all employees have gone through either classroom or online training on information security awareness.

FAQ's for ISO 27001 Consulting

Information security management system ISO 27001 is a specification for an information security management system, formerly known as ISO/IEC 27001:2005. (ISMS). An organization's information risk management procedures are governed by an ISMS, which is a set of rules and guidelines that also covers all physical, technological, and legal controls.
Being ISO 27001-certified was very worthwhile for us. This was a wise business move for many reasons, despite the fact that we had contracts that depended on our future accreditation. The method has done a tremendous job of instilling trust in the consumer.
the three components of information security: availability, confidentiality, and integrity
Beyond what you need to maintain strong information security, ISO 27001 is not very challenging. The ISO will assist you in establishing and gradually enhancing excellent information security practises if you already engage in them. 26-Nov-2021
Depending on the size and complexity of the management system, the implementation of ISO 27001 will take between six and twelve months for small to medium-sized businesses.

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