Digital Forensics

Digital Forensics

Cyber-attacks are growing more sophisticated, and firms may be hacked despite their best attempts. An analysis of your digital media and data may be required to produce an accurate sequence of events in circumstances where a breach has resulted in a civil or criminal court matter.

At CyberNX, we make sure you're ready for everything. Our team copies, transports, and stores your digital data in accordance with rigorous Digital Evidence Guidelines, allowing necessary information to be investigated as needed.


  • Minimize downtime, and help you to restore your operations.
  • Software that has been developed from digital forensic information can detect spyware and malware and can usually remove it before any information is exploited or deleted.
  • Digital forensics recovers information using complex tools and methods in order to present it in a court of law.

FAQ's for Digital Forensics

Collects, processes, preserves, analyzes, and presents computer-related evidence in support of network vulnerability mitigation and/or criminal, fraud, counterintelligence, or law enforcement investigations.
Digital forensics and cyber security may seem similar, but there are key differences between the two professions. Computer forensics focuses on uncovering and preserving encrypted or lost data, while cyber security is about preventing data loss or cybercrimes from occurring.
If a company's computer systems or networks are compromised, it aids the companies in obtaining crucial information. efficiently finds cybercriminals wherever they may be. aids in safeguarding the organization's money and priceless time.
The scientific collection, examination, and preservation of data from electronic media that can be used as evidence in court is known as digital forensics.
They can be roughly divided into two groups: Evidence based on static data (obtained from any device that stores digital information) Interception of data during transmission (interception of data transmission and communications)
Common issues include the lack of appropriate criteria for the gathering, acquisition, and presentation of electronic evidence, the rapid advancement of technology, big data, criminals' use of anti-forensic methods, and the use of free web resources for research.
A data forensic investigation should be performed on a copy of the suspect machine to prevent tampering and manipulation of the suspicious data. Additionally, restarting a computer could alter or replace data, accidentally erasing evidence.
Preservation isn't always achieved, as previously admissible digital activity, files, and metadata can be lost even before the discovery process gets started. This can happen due to ignorance or willful obstruction.
Digital forensics can assist in locating the stolen items and determining whether the data was duplicated or spread. Data destruction is a deliberate tactic used by certain hackers to hurt their targets. In other instances, irreplaceable data may unintentionally be harmed by hacker interference or the technologies they employ.
The procedure comprises of three steps: acquisition, analysis, and reporting and is mostly utilised in computer and mobile forensic investigations.

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